In January 2022, we started monitoring the media for poverty-related news stories to analyze which prejudices were maintained, how the idea of being ‘poor’ was depicted and what discourse strategies were deployed, all while seeking to represent good examples. As a result, we published “Monitoring Report: Poverty Agenda In the Media ( January-August 2022)” Following the analyses made in this report, this guideline was initiated with the idea that some basic principles and recommendations that could guide the elimination of poor exclusionary discourses could be useful.
“Poverty-related news” for the monitoring report were compiled, categorized and analyzed. The content of these news included; news that contain the word “poverty” or are directly related to the poverty line
and impoverishment, nutritional deficiency, lack of access to housing, education and health services, -stove poisoning, metal-steel theft news, gender inequality and violence, inability to access justice, inflation, social supports, trade unions and self-organizations, solidarity, workers seeking rights, news about daily or casual workers