Kapitalizm, Yoksulluk ve Türkiye’de Sosyal Politika – Ayşe Buğra
In this book, Ayşe Buğra turns to a critical analysis of the history and the debates of social policy in Turkey. She does this analysis in the context of the struggle of two approaches to the poverty that had accompanied the development of capitalism since the 16th century. The first approach, which puts work at...
Conditional Education Aid
This report examines “Conditional Education Aid” implemented since 2003. In the educational dimension of the program, which started with the financing of the World Bank after the 2001 economic crisis, financial aid is provided to poor families with the conditions of enrolling their children in school and children’s school attendance. Conditional Education Aid, implemented under...
The Roads to Disaffiliation: Insecure Work and Vulnerable Relationships – Robert Castel
Castel’s article deals with various forms of poverty which have in common a particular mode of dissociation from the social bond: disaffiliation. The author looks at the examples of the long-term unemployed, young people looking for work and on training schemes, single adults eligible for the RMI (guaranteed minimum income benefit), lone mothers, young couples...

Protecting the Child from Poverty: The Role of Rights in the Council of Europe
The report, that was presented at the International Conference on Children’s Rights on 13 November, focuses on the role of children’s rights in addressing child poverty in the Council of Europe. The author, Aoife Nolan, member of the European Committee of Social Rights and Professor of International Human Rights Law, makes clear how the European Social Charter as interpreted by the European...

Principles and Guidelines for a Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction Strategies
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights The present publication aims to make a contribution to the United Nations-wide endeavour to integrate human rights into development efforts to combat poverty. It is the outcome of a request made by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to the Office of the...
European Social Charter European Committee of Social Rights- Conclusions 2019 / Turkey
This report concerned the accepted provisions of the following articles belonging to thethematic group “Children, families and migrants”:• the right of children and young persons to protection (Article 7),• the right of employed women to protection of maternity (Article 8),• the right of the family to social, legal and economic protection (Article 16),• the right...

Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights
The Guiding Principles on extreme poverty and human rights were adopted by the Human Rights Council by consensus on September 27th 2012, in resolution 21/11. The Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights are the first global policy guidelines focused specifically on the human rights of people living in poverty. They are intended for...
The Effects of Poverty on the Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health of Children
H. Yoshikawa, J. Aber, W. Beardslee2012, AmerikaMakalede, yoksulluk koşullarının, çocukların akıl, ruh ve davranış sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri hakkındaki literatür değerlendirilmektedir. Literatür; yoksulluğun, çocuk ve gençlerin akıl, ruh ve davranış sağlığı üzerinde bir risk faktörü olduğunu göstermektedir. Makalede, bu bilgi birikiminden yola çıkarak gençler ve çocukların duygusal ve zihinsel sağlamlıklarını desteklemek üzere geliştirilen önleme programları değerlendirilmektedir.
Poverty and Social Rights
Ayşe Buğra, December 2005Boğaziçi University Social Policy Forum The report which is composed of three sections aims to discuss the problem of poverty within the framework of social rights. In the first section, the languages dominating the discussions regarding social rights and poverty are examined. In the second section, how the notion of equality can...
Rethinking poverty: empowerment and citizen rights
John Friedmann, 1996The article summarizes the four main discourses used in discussing poverty and their suggestions for poverty eradication, and examines the foundations of the empowerment model and the strategies required for this model to function.